Understanding Solana gas fees settings Compute Budget: SetComputeUnitPrice & SetComputeUnitLimit

Henry Tirla
1 min readMay 27, 2024


In this article i make an attempt to make understandable the different variables involved in setting the transaction gas fees for a solana transaction. If you have been confused about this as much as I have been then this might be helpful

Formulae for calculation of solana gas fees

Fees_in_MicroLamports= Compute Unit Price X Compute Limit

1Mircro_to_Lamport = 0.000001

Fees_in_Lamport= Fees_in_MicroLamports * 1Micro_To_Lamports

Basic unit fee for each transaction in sol = .000005

Basic Unit fee in lamports = 5000

Txn_total_Lamports=Fees_inLamports + Basic Unit fee in Lamport

1Lamport= 0.000000001Sol

Final fees in lamports = Txn_total_Lamports * 1Lamport

So to make the math above clear let’s have a practical example

Let’s assume we are having the following variables for our gas fees settings;

SetComputeUnitPrice= 1_073


200000 * 1073 = 214,600,000 (MicroLamports)

1MicroLamports = 0.000001Lamports

214,600,000ML * 0.000001 = 214.6 Lamports

Basic Fee = 0.000005 SOL

0.000005 + 0.000002146 = 0.0000052146 SOL

1 Lamports = 0.00000001// Minimum unit

Round up the fraction from the smallest unit

Final Fee = 0.00005215 SOL

I hope this article helps you in clarifying the mathematics behind solana transactions fees.

